The Indians said that whatever happens to the beasts will eventually happen to us

I thought I would take a detour today from my regular book reviews on this blog.  I just read read an AP article online about the decline of the Monarch butterfly population.  What does this have to do with YA dystopia fiction?  Well, many of the post-apocalyptic worlds of these novels involve an environmental or natural disaster and makes references to the struggle to survive by both people and animal populations.  I remember learning in my biology class in school about interconnected ecosystems, that a change to one species can also affect another species.

For the past few years I have been following news reports of the decline of the honeybee population because if these pollinators die out, the effects on our food supply could be drastic.  I have actually done more than read news and watch documentaries, I have had a hive installed in my backyard for a few years.  What I wasn’t aware of until this article was the ominous drop in the number of Monarch butterflies making their annual migratory trip:

While perusing the responses to the article, someone wrote, “The Indians said that whatever happens to the beasts will eventually happen to us” which I decided to use as the title of this post.   Do you agree with that statement?

What environmental news are you aware of that you think a dystopian author could incorporate into their next books?